Our family's history, one memory at a time…

Louis Speiginer Family Cars owned

This section is only intended to be a "fun drive" down memory lane and although it would have been nice to post actual pictures of the cars, there are only very few, if any remaining. The pictures here are from various internet sources and only represent the cars the families had, as close as I could get to model, year and dates of ownership. These are my memories and they do not represent all cars owned. I am very hopeful that some will be able to send me a picture or information on any errors or omissions.

Dad told us that there was a 1931 Buick Model 67 that was used on road trips with the band in 1934 & on. He said is was Black and had wood spoke wheels. Perhaps Delores or Doris will remember? This is what it looked like:
Stacks Image 2264

I am sure there are many more prior to 1952 and well into the 60's, but I do not remember more than what is posted here below.

Louis S. Speiginer cars

This is the first I remember from about 1956

Stacks Image 879

Stacks Image 771
1957 Nash - Owned 1962-67
Stacks Image 777
1968 Baracuda - Owned 1977-79

Gertha Speiginer

She never drove or had her own car.