Our family's history, one memory at a time…

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Welcome to 2025 Family - Our starts, journeys and endings are all based, in part, on family history and life events. Unless these events are shared often, they will only be guessed by future generations. One of my goals since the passing of both my dad (Julius B. Speiginer) and Uncle (Louis S. Speiginer), has been to capture the history and essence of their lives with as much information as possible that could be gathered.

As most of the "Speiginer" family members have understood, that the history before Harrison H. Speiginer has remained unclear, seldom documented and or understood. I remember Dad telling us that Grandpa (Harrison H. Speiginer) passed in 1919 in a hospital with the official cause listed as "Pneumonia". However, dad insisted that he was killed by the US Army, whom he had worked for as an interpreter for the Cherokee and Blackfoot nations. There seems to be no records on this either way. One of the many elements of this family history that I intend to focus on is the question of who was with (live relatives from his line) and before Harrison H. Speiginer and what about the various name versions (i.e, Speiginer, Speigner, Spigner or Spigener)? There is only one picture of Harrison H. Speiginer's relative (his sister), that dad had.

There are many memories and some I remember in great detail. Some of our cousins have asked me over the years to talk about all that I know and share all that I have in the form of information and pictures or general history. Fulfilling this request in a meaningful way is well past due and although I am not the family historian, I find that it is important that I share what I can remember (not as a family historian but just as one of the members blessed to be alive and able to recall events).

As time passes, we all must remember that it is only Rennae and I left that can share some of this early "Speiginer" history and that in addition to the two of us, I feel only Delores and Doris have greater insight into some of this history here in 2014. It is now one of my post-retirement goals to share as much as I can remember, with all of the family, in the form of this website.

Notice: This is not a commercial website and all references, materials, pictures and images are presented and exhibited for "Family Historical" purposes only!

There are many sources and ways to display family history but I choose to use this private website that allows all family members to view and even comment without any fees or concerns over which OS (PC vs, MAC) we each may have.

Before this site opens up to explore the "Speiginer" tree, I would like to share a true story that perhaps only two of us (Rennae and myself) have any detailed information on. Way back in the 50's our immediate family (Dale, Rennae, myself and our parents and Uncle Louis) met a cousin from the Harrison H. Speiginer tree.